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Professor: Ryan Bavis

Junior seminar is part of the capstone experience for the bio major. Some professors describe this class as a how to class on "how to be a professional scientist," because we learn how to critique primary literature, present on research that interests us, and write a grant proposal. Additionally, we are required to attend the biology department seminars that bring in scientists from nearby institutions and have a discussion with them in class, which is a great opportunity to ask career questions and learn more about our options after we graduate.

Capstone Experience: About


Winter 2018

This grant proposal is written to submit to the NSF. Since I have already written a grant proposal for soils, I am already confident in my ability to summarize the known and unknown/gap in literature; however, the difficult aspect of this paper for me was to describe what use this research would have in the broader world. Additionally, because of recent political events, the phrase "climate change" is now a major turn off for NSF funding, and maneuvering that was very trying, since my grant proposal is very related to climate change and the impact global warming has on global weather patterns and the phenology of tree species. 

As of now, the paper is being peer reviewed by someone in my class as well as Ryan, so I am looking forward to that feedback. 

Capstone Experience: Work
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